
The Word


April 2013

Available Formats

eBook and Paperback

Available at


Charles Alverson
About This Project

“An intriguing premise and surprising results!” – Terry Jones, creator of Monty Python

Joe Dixon just got out of Folsom Prison. He swears this time will be the last. Because, like God, he’s got a plan.

A religious conversion? Nope. Something much better. His very own church.

Only thing is, Dixon isn’t a man of the cloth. Not even close. But with his mail order ministry certificate in hand and a ramshackle, hastily whitewashed storefront called The Word, Dixon puts his plan in motion to cultivate a congregation, spread his “word” and squeeze generous donations out of his followers.

But when the local cops and media start to hound him, Dixon discovers that his newest con might not work out as smoothly as planned…